#1.Coffee 101: How to Steam Milk
- heat up the milk
- develop the sweetness
- add a little bit froth
- whole milk(全脂牛奶)
- a espress machine that got enough power to work with the amount of milk you gonna steam
- some home mechine using a smaller pitcher for smaller drinks
- start. the tip right near the surface to introduce a little bit air, and you can tell by the sound.
- then submerge the tip a little bit more so you’re not pulling any more air but still circulating the milk, and bring it up to the temperature.
- 加空气的时间点非常重要,如果你不在开始加空气而是后面加,会改变牛奶的结构,产生另一种并不是我们想要的奶沫.
- tap
- do not steaming to hot, like don’t pass 160 degrees,
#2.Steaming Milk
#3.How to Froth and Steam Milk for Latte Art, Cappuccino and More
texturing milk (frothing & steaming)