读完了星巴克灵魂人物、前CEO Howard Schultz的From the Ground Up, 非常的受启发
一趟米兰之行,星巴克从一个坐落在西雅图只卖咖啡豆的小店铺,摇身一变,成为一个全球最大的咖啡连锁公司,2021 Q1 星巴克全球共有约3万3千家咖啡店,单在中国共有4800家咖啡店,2020年全球新开张2150家咖啡店,相当于每天就有6家星巴克开张。
星巴克的灵魂人物Howard Schultz并不是星巴克的创始人,最初的星巴克只在西雅图卖高质量的咖啡豆,并不卖饮品,作为星巴克的销售经理,Howard去米兰的街头体会到了意大利风味的意式咖啡,体验到了意大利咖啡厅的那种给人惬意、舒适的感觉,决定要将这个体验带回美国,融合进星巴克,但当时的星巴克创始人不同意,所以Howard干脆辞职,自己开了家咖啡店,非常成功,最终将星巴克收购,并保留了星巴克的品牌,这故事颇有点乔布斯和苹果公司的感觉。
通过星巴克的不断发展、成长、扩张,Howard也变得非常成功富有,但是Howard并没有忘记自己童年的艰苦成长环境,忘不掉父母因为付不起房租而整天发愁,因为贫穷而省吃俭用,Howard决定为社会出自己的一把力,首先从自己的员工开始,星巴克内部会把员工亲切的称作partner(伙伴),他首先为自己的员工购买医保,然后又为自己员工的父母购买大病医保,包括兼职员工,并且通过Bean Stock计划,让partner持股,一起分享公司成长的红利,当Howard得知72%的星巴克员工没有本科学历,而最大的问题是付不起助学贷款时,他和几个伙伴一起头脑风暴,推出了Starbucks College Achievement Plan,和ASU(亚利桑那州立大学)联手资助星巴克员工,完成他们的大学梦。通过这个计划,星巴克很多员工提升了自己的背景、能力和竞争力,从而提高了自己的收入,想一想,这其实就是一个公司成就一群人,而不单单只是一群人成就一个公司。很多股东认为这是在烧钱,但Howard明白,只有这样,星巴克的员工才能对公司有归属感和认同感,这样才能在艰苦的时候一起共患难,Starbucks还会带领自己的员工为附近的neighborhood(社区)做公益活动,并且成立Schultz Family Foundation,组织招聘会解决美国就业问题。从中可以看出,一个公司需要盈利同时,还要有社会责任感,为这个社会、国家做出一份贡献。
Part one – Beginnings
I was excited to taste more and to know more,
I spent the next week exploring more throughout the city
Just because others cannot see your vision, doesn’t mean that vision isn’t achievable. – p23
Help people with your heart, be others mentor and role model. Pay it forward, 利他之心, leadership is cultivated through little things, not big actions 埋下善的种子
Every day I was learning how to lead, and maturing through trial and error. – p26
In 1988, starbucks became among the first private companies in the U.S. to provide comprehensive health insurance to part-time employees. – p27
Starbucks became the only privately owned company we knew of to issue equity in the form of stock options. – p27
In cities as well as small towns, our stores became places where senior citizens gathered in the morning and where students hung out after school. Creating community around coffee – p31
Operationally, the company had made a lot of poor decision about store locations, what products besides coffee to sell in our stores, how we trained our baristas, and how we packaged and stored our roasted coffee beans.-p38
How to make right decisions for the company?
Back in the driver’s seat, I confronted the full scope of the company’s challenges. – p39
I drank in their guidance. – p40
By playing chess, you can learn how to plan, how to make decisions, how to combine resources and how to lead a company.
The Starbucks Experience for customers. – p41
Our aspiration, the memo stated, was to become “one of the most recognized and respected brands in the world, known for inspiring and nurturing the human spirit” – p41
The experience of kids coming to MG what we do to create an environment that kids enjoy to come and wish to stay longer and make more creations?
User experience :工具区、零件区
One day in February 2008, we closed 7100 stores in the United States at the same time to retrain our baristas. – p42
The world belongs to the few people who are not afraid to get their hands dirty – p43
Investing in our people at this time was the most important thing we could do – p44
Reminded our store managers of the positive effects they could have in their own neighborhoods. -p45
The success we had enjoyed in the past, I emphasized was not an entitlement, we had to earn it every day – one cup at a time – p46
The power of the Starbucks brand is not some external force, it is you! – p46
To achieve the long-term value for them, a company must first create value for it’s employees as well as its customers. – p47
John F. Kennedy: I don’t say that all people have equal talent, but what I do say is that everyone should have their chance tot develop their talent equally.
This resonated with my mother and left a mark on my won consciousness. – p50
PART TWO Intention and Reinvention
I valued his ability to stay calm under pressure and to ground big ideas in practical thinking.
My new intention was to spur job growth in the country, beyond the people Starbucks was able to hire. Doing so could help rev the economy.
Play network, which had provided the music inside Starbucks stores since 1998
I invited Adam, Vivek and few others to my house for pizza on Sunday to think it through. Six of us gathered around the large island in my kitchen.-p78
头脑风暴 with others not meeting, a group of people starbucks/home/pizza with one quesiton, sticky note, postcard
If I had failed, others would have suffered with me, including Sheri and my employees. – p86
The thrill of the automat was not the pie, it was the experience, engaging people’s emotions. – p89
Decision by decision, the ideas bandied about over pizza in my kitchen were taking shape.
What is our core purpose? What is our reason for being?
The biggest problems is the void of leadership in America, we’re drifting toward mediocrity. – P147
Money did make it easier to be the kind of parents we wanted to be – p150
At the end of the day, we must each close our eyes and find peace with the decisions we have made.
When you are weak, the stronger people help you, when you become stronger, you got to pay it forward to help others. – p162
Markelle got a job as a barista at starbucks, six months later, a community college awarded her a two-year academic scholarship, she stayed at starbucks, balancing work with homework, she planned to major in speech and hearing pathology, during lunch breaks, she studied, while she drove, she listened to class lectures that she’d recorded.-p164
I asked our assistant coach to edit together my best moves and plays of the year to create a highlight film, showcase my ability.
To earn a degree, a student never had to step foot on campus, or in the state.
How is it, he thought, that people can live in a shack in a world where we can send people to the moon? – p171
An undergraduate degree is the single greatest factor in determining someone’s ability to jump from one income bracket to another. – p172
He pulled together a three-person team led by Dervala Hanley, I gave matt free rein to figure online education out.-p172
When an alarm awakened her three hours later, she made herself an iced coffee and sat down with her laptop and books at the dining room table, for the next few hours, in the peace of night, as her children slept, Beth attended ASU classes, wrote papers, submitted assignments, and took tests online at 4 A.M.
At first, I felt awkward and unsure, but once I opened my mind and books, everything started to feel right, term by term my energy rose.
My scap journey has been nothing short of sleepless nights, a coffee addiction worth working on, hours after work at my favorite starbucks stores, and pages upon pages of reading and writing.-p179
When a company invests in you the way starbucks has, you cannot help but feel and extra sense of pressure to be successful.-p182
Give more than you receive, I promise it will come back to you in ways you cannot possibly imagine.-p185
PART THREE bridging divides
We learned Xerox’s proprietary sales techniques and presentation skills, it was the most formal, in-depth business training I’d ever receive and I applied myself more intensely in Leesburg than I ever did at school. – p224
I went along to watch and learn. Sometimes I shadowed my boss, Jim, how was a master salesman. – p225
In those days there was little to no security, so floor by floor I walked through office doors, never knowing who I world encounter on the other side. – p226
This is how howard schultz becomes howard schultz.
Without stepping out of xerox, the safety circle, there will be no today’s starbucks, sometimes, you need give yourself a bigger sky to fly, because you never know what possibility can be achieved by yourself.
A first job is as valuable as a diploma. For some of us, even more so. – p228
A job doesn’t affect just one life, it alters a family. -P238
Schultz Family Foundation
Brandon had undergraduate degrees in history and political science and a master’s in public affairs, and had traveled extensively around the country and the worrld as part of faith-based outreach and volunteer work. – p263
I was eighteen years old when my mother got sick, I immediately went from a young girl to a woman, because I knew I must grow up to help support my family. – p272
Coffee is only part of that experience, the other part is a sense of community, in each country, we try to interpret our values in a way that means something for that society. – p284
Just because anger and fear are louder than kindness and optimism does not mean that anger and fear must prevail, or define a new American identity. – 333
Is this for Trump? lol