昨天在回深圳的飞机上,读完了<Way of the Peaceful Warrior>这本书,合上书页,凝视着窗外的夜空和微弱的星光,整个灵魂都大受震撼,让黄昊对生命有了一种不一样的理解和视角。似乎也感受到了一种超脱、快乐和幸福。

当然,想要真正成为一名Peaceful Warrior,不是通过读一本书,或者看一部电影就可以瞬间获得。可能看完当下感觉非常震撼,甚至觉得自己已经开悟了,瞬间以为自己以后的人生也将会翻开新篇章了,那就想多了。规律是“开悟一瞬间,了悟一百年”,通过读别人的故事,顶多算是翻开了自己征程的序言,而要想长时间的保持这种状态,并且成为这种人,就需要自己不断的练习、坚持、逐渐证得,从迷倒悟,如此循环。
All along I have shown you the way Of the peaceful warrior, not the way To the peaceful warrior. As long as you tread the way, you Are a warrior.
The Gas Station at Rainbow’s End | 彩虹尽头的加油站

How do you know you haven’t been asleep your whole life? How do you know you’re not asleep right now? – P21 你怎么知道你自己这一生没有一直在睡觉?你怎么知道你现在不是在睡觉?- P21
The world out there is a school, Life is the only real teacher, It offers many experiences, but the lessons of experience are hidden, your intuition knows this is true, but your mind rebels. – P25 外面的世界是一所学校,生活是唯一的真正老师,它提供了许多经历,但经历的教训是隐藏的,你的直觉知道这是真的,但你的思想在反抗。- P25
You hold many facts and opinions, yet know little of yourself. Before you can learn, you’ll have to first empty your tank. – P25 你掌握了许多事实和观点,却对自己知之甚少。在你能够学习之前,你必须首先清空你的油箱。- P25
Knowledge can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace, Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive. The warrior acts, and the fool only reacts. – P30 知识永远不能给你带来最终的幸福或平静,生活要求正确的行动,如果知识要活起来。勇士行动,而愚人只是反应。- P30
The young ninja warrior, when still a child, would be trained in jumping in the follwing manner: he was given a corn seed and told to plant it, just as the stalk was beginning to grow, the young warrior would jump over the small stalk many, many times.each day the stalk would grow; each day the child would jump. the young ninja practiced with cornstalks, I practice with gas stations. – P35 当一个年轻的忍者战士还是个孩子的时候,他就会以下面的方式接受跳跃训练:他被给了一个玉米种子并被告知去种植它,就在秸秆开始生长的时候,年轻的战士会多次跳过这个小秸秆。每一天秸秆都会生长;每一天孩子都会跳跃。 年轻的忍者用玉米秆练习,我用加油站练习。- P35
When you become fully responsible for your life, you can become fully human; once you become human, you may discover what it means to be a warrior. – P37 当你完全为你的生活负责时,你可以完全成为人;一旦你成为人,你可能会发现成为一个勇士意味着什么。- P37
Chapter 1: Gusts of Magic | 魔法的阵风

the best performers had the quietest minds during their moment of truth. as soon as a performer was in mid flight, the minds of the audience calmed too. when i was swinging and somersaulting, nothing else mattered. – P51 最好的表演者在他们的关键时刻拥有最安静的头脑。 一旦表演者在半空中,观众的头脑也平静了。 当我在摆动和翻筋斗时,其他一切都不重要。- P51
Just as there are different interpretations of the past and many ways to change the present, there are any number of possible futures. what you dreamed was a highly probable future – the one you were heading for had you not met me. – P56 正如对过去的不同解释和改变现在有许多种方法一样,可能的未来也有无数种。你梦想的是一个非常可能的未来——如果你没有遇到我,你将前往的未来。- P56
Chapter 2: The Web of Illusion | 幻觉之网
You Dan, in your conditioned quest for achievement and entertainment, avoid the fundamental source of your suffering. – P60 你,丹,在你有条不紊地追求成就和娱乐中,避免了你痛苦的根本来源。- P60
Nearly all of humanity shares your predicament. If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold onto it forever. – P61 几乎所有的人类都分享着你的困境。 如果你没有得到你想要的,你会感到痛苦;如果你得到了你不想要的,你会感到痛苦;即使你得到了你完全想要的,你仍然会感到痛苦,因为你无法永远保持它。- P61
The brain can be a tool, it can recall phone numbers, solve math puzzles, or create poetry, In this way, it works for the rest of the body, like a tractor. but when you can’t stop thinking of that math problem or phone number, or when troubling thoughts and memories arise without your intent, it’s not your brain working, but your mind wandering. then the mind controls you, then the tractor has run wild. – P62 大脑可以是一个工具,它可以回忆电话号码,解决数学难题,或者创造诗歌,在这方面,它为身体的其余部分工作,像一台拖拉机。但是当你无法停止思考那个数学问题或电话号码,或者当你不打算时出现困扰的思想和记忆,那不是你的大脑在工作,而是你的心思在游离。然后心灵控制了你,然后拖拉机就失控了。- P62
You are all too willing to change anything except yourself, but first realize that you’re in prison – then we can plot your escape. – P63 你太愿意改变任何东西,除了你自己,但首先意识到你在监狱里——然后我们可以策划你的逃脱。- P63
I started keeping a small note book in which I write down my thoughts during the day, my mental noise – P63 我开始保持一本小笔记本,在上面写下我一天中的思想,我的心理噪音 – P63
It’s time you began learning from your life experiences instead of complaining about them, neither your disappointment nor your anger was caused by the rain. It’s obvious then, that your mind, not other people or your surroundings, is the source of your moods – P65 是时候你开始从你的生活经历中学习,而不是抱怨它们了, 你的失望和愤怒都不是由雨引起的。那么很明显,你的心情的来源是你的思想,而不是其他人或你周围的环境 – P65
Anger is stronger than fear, stronger than sorrow, your spirit is growing. You are ready for the sword – P78 愤怒比恐惧更强大,比悲伤更强大,你的精神在成长。你准备好了剑 – P78
Chapter 3: Cutting Free | 无拘无束

My mind is like a pond without ripples, Your mind, on the other hand is full of waves because you feel separated from. and often threatened by, and unplanned, unwelcome occurrence. your mind is like a pond into which someone has just dropped a boulder! – P80 我的头脑像一个没有涟漪的池塘,你的头脑,另一方面,充满了波浪,因为你感到与……分离。并且经常被……威胁,以及不可预见的、不受欢迎的事件。你的头脑就像一个刚刚有人扔进一块巨石的池塘!- P80
that a magnificent leap of awareness is required for the fish to extend its vision beyond the water in which it is immersed to the source of the ripples. you’ll see that the ripples of your mind have nothing to do with you, you’ll just watch them, without attachment. when you are troubled, let go of your thoughts and deal with your mind! they require time and practice. and the practice of insight into the source of your own ripples is meditation. – P81 需要一个意识的卓越飞跃,鱼儿才能将其视野从它所沉浸的水中扩展到涟漪的源头。 你将看到,你心灵的涟漪与你无关,你只是观察它们,不带依恋。当你遇到困扰时,放下你的思想,处理你的心灵! 它们需要时间和练习。而洞察你自己涟漪源头的实践就是冥想。- P81
Silence is the warrior’s art, and meditation is his sword. – P82 沉默是勇士的艺术,冥想是他的剑。- P82
there are two simultaneous processes: One is insight-the willing of attention, the channeling of awareness to focus precisely on what you want to see, The other process is surrender – letting go of all arising thoughts, That is real meditation. – P89 有两个同时进行的过程:一个是洞察力——愿意注意,将意识引导并精确地集中在你想要看到的事物上,另一个过程是投降——放下所有出现的思想,那才是真正的冥想。- P89
Immortality is already yours, but not in the way you imagine or hope for. You have been immortal since before you were born and will be long after the body dissolves, the body is consciousness, it is immortal , it only changes. – P90 不朽已经是你的,但不是你想象或希望的方式。你自出生前就已不朽,并且会在身体溶解后长久存在,身体是意识,它是不朽的,它只是变化。- P90
A Zen student asked his roshi the most important element of Zen. the roshi replied, “Attention” Are you paying close attention to your standing? Are you paying close attention to your walking? Are you paying close attention to how you talk? Are you paying close attention to how you think? – P91 一个禅宗学生问他的禅师禅宗最重要的元素是什么。禅师回答说,“注意力” 你在密切关注你的站立吗? 你在密切关注你的行走吗? 你在密切关注你的谈话方式吗? 你在密切关注你的思考方式吗?- P91
Meditation is the action of inaction, Ultimately, you will learn to meditate your every action. – P92 冥想是不行动的行动,最终,你将学会冥想你的每一个行动。- P92
Chapter 4: The Sword is Sharpened | 剑锋磨砺

Everything has a purpose, it’s for you to make the best use of it. There are no accidents, everything is a lesson, a warrior doesn’t seek pain, but if pain comes, he uses it. – P104 每件事都有目的,这是为了让你最好地利用它。 没有偶然,一切都是教训,勇士不寻求痛苦,但如果痛苦来临,他会利用它。- P104
Socrates dispensed more than gasoline. Maybe it was that aura, that energy or emotion. Anyway, people always left happier than when they had arrived. – P107 苏格拉底分发的不仅仅是汽油。也许是那种氛围,那种能量或情感。不管怎样,人们离开时总是比他们到达时更快乐。- P107
You need a complete overhaul. Right now you’re a tangled mass of twisted circuits and outmoded habits. You’re going to have to change habits of acting, of thinking, of dreaming, and of seeing the world. most of what you are is a series of bad habits. – P112 你需要彻底检修。 现在你是一个纠结的、扭曲的电路和过时习惯的混乱团块。你将不得不改变行动的习惯,思考的习惯,梦想的习惯,以及看待世界的方式。你的大部分是一系列坏习惯。- P112
anger is one of your main tools to transform old habits, Fear and sorrow inhibit action, anger generates it. when you learn to make proper use of your anger, you can transmute fear and sorrow to anger, and anger to action. – P113 愤怒是改造旧习惯的主要工具之一,恐惧和悲伤抑制行动,愤怒产生行动。当你学会正确使用你的愤怒时,你可以将恐惧和悲伤转化为愤怒,将愤怒转化为行动。- P113
You have many habits that weaken you. The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.- 113 你有许多习惯削弱了你。改变的秘密是将你所有的精力集中在不是与旧的战斗上,而是在建立新的上。- 113
The expression of emotions should be complete and powerful, then should vanish without a trace. The way to control your emotions, then, is to let them flow and let them go. Babies let it flow, then let it go, they express themselves fully, then shut up, infants are fine teachers, and they demonstrate the right use of energy. – P113 情绪的表达应该是完整和有力的,然后应该无影无踪地消失。因此,控制情绪的方法就是让它们流动并让它们走。 婴儿让它流动,然后让它走,他们充分表达自己,然后闭嘴,婴儿是很好的老师,他们展示了能量的正确使用方式。- P113
A tremendous amount of energy is necessary to cut through the mists of your mind and find the gate. so purifying, regenerative practices are essential. You are going to readapt your every human function-moving, sleeping, breathing, thinking, feeling – and eating. of all the human activities, eating is one of the most important to stabilize first. – P115 需要巨大的能量来穿透你心灵的迷雾并找到大门。因此,净化、再生的实践是必不可少的。 你将重新适应你的每一个人类功能——移动、睡眠、呼吸、思考、感觉——和吃。在所有人类活动中,吃是首先要稳定的最重要的活动之一。- P115
I’ve developed the capacity to enjoy the simplest foods. You must learn to enjoy the entire process-the hunger beforehand, the careful preparation, setting an attractive table, chewing, breathing, smelling, tasting, swallowing, and the feeling of lightness and energy after the meal. -P118 我已经发展出享受最简单的食物的能力。你必须学会享受整个过程——饭前的饥饿,仔细的准备,布置一个吸引人的餐桌,咀嚼,呼吸,闻,品尝,吞咽,以及饭后的轻盈和能量感。-P118
Keep it in your pants. You’re just going to have to find your future thrills in fresh air, fresh food, fresh water, fresh awareness, and sunshine. – P121 保持冷静。 你只能在未来的刺激中寻找新鲜的空气、新鲜的食物、新鲜的水、新鲜的意识和阳光。- P121
Resolutions have sincerity, logic has clarity, but neither has the energy you will need. Let anger be your resolution, your logic. – P123 决心有真诚,逻辑有清晰,但两者都没有你将需要的能量。让愤怒成为你的决心,你的逻辑。- P123
Get yourself together, remember what you must. I was through being a slave to random impulses. 振作起来,记住你必须做什么。 我不再成为随机冲动的奴隶。
I started breathing deeply, the way Socrates had shown me, after a few minutes I started to feel funny in my belly and chest, They were warm inside, relaxed, and open. Suddenly, I was crying like a baby, wildly happy and not knowing why. In that moment, I was breathing completely without effort; it felt like I was being breathed. It felt so pleasurable, I thought ”who needs to go to movies to be entertained?” – P129 我开始深呼吸,就像苏格拉底教我的那样,几分钟后,我开始感觉到我的腹部和胸部有些奇怪,它们里面温暖、放松和开放。突然,我像个婴儿一样哭泣,非常高兴,不知道为什么。 在那一刻,我完全毫不费力地呼吸;感觉就像是我在被呼吸。感觉如此愉悦,我想“谁需要去看电影来娱乐呢?” – P129
I was still twenty yards away from Joseph when I heard his cry of anguish and saw him drop slowly to his knees and cry. He leaped up with a scream of fury; then he relaxed. He smiled when he saw me:” I felt very upset, so I really let it out”, I remembered Soc’s words, “let it flow and let it go”. – P131 当我离约瑟夫还有二十码远的时候,我听到他痛苦的哭泣声,看到他慢慢地跪下来哭泣。他带着愤怒的尖叫跳了起来;然后他放松了。他看到我时微笑了:“我感到很不安,所以我真正地释放了它”,我记得索克的话,“让它流动,让它走”。- P131
in a small fishing village in Japan there lived a young, unmarried woman who gave birth to a child, her parents felt disgraced and demanded to know the identity of the father. Afraid, she refused to tell them. The fisherman she loved had told her, secretly, that he was going off to seek his fortune and would return to marry her, Her parents persisted. In desperation, she named Hakuin, a monk who lived in the hills, as the father. Outraged, the parents took the infant girl up to his door, pounded until he opened it, and handed him the baby, saying “This child is yours; you must care for it!” ”Is that so?” Hakuin said, taking the child in his arms, waving good-bye to the parents. A year passed and the real father returned to marry the woman, at once they went to Hakuin to beg for the return of the child. ”We must have our daughter,” they said ”Is that so?” said Hakuin, handing the child to them. ”An interesting story, Joseph, but I don’t understand why you’re telling it to me now, I mean, your cafe just burned down!“ ”Is that so?” he said. Then we laughed as I shook my head in resignation.
在日本的一个小鱼村里,住着一个年轻的未婚女性,她生下了一个孩子,她的父母感到耻辱,并要求知道父亲的身份。害怕的她拒绝告诉他们。她所爱的渔夫私下告诉她,他要去寻找他的财富,然后回来娶她,她的父母坚持要求。绝望中,她把住在山上的一个和尚,白隐,说成是孩子的父亲。 愤怒的父母把婴儿女孩带到他的门前,敲打直到他开门,然后把婴儿交给他,说:“这个孩子是你的;你必须照顾它!” “是这样吗?”白隐说,抱着孩子,向父母挥手告别。 一年过去了,真正的父亲回来娶了那个女人,他们立刻去找白隐,请求归还孩子。 “我们必须要有我们的女儿,”他们说 “是这样吗?”白隐说,把孩子交给了他们。 “一个有趣的故事,约瑟夫,但我不明白你现在为什么告诉我这个,我的意思是,你的咖啡馆刚刚烧毁了!” “是这样吗?”他说。然后我们笑了,我无奈地摇了摇头。
We can say that habit itself – any unconscious, compulsive ritual – is negative, but specific activities are bad and good, every action has its price, and its pleasure, Recognizing both sides, you become realistic and responsible for your actions. and only then can you make the warrior’s free choice – to do or not to do. – P133
我们可以说习惯本身——任何无意识的、强迫性的仪式——是负面的,但特定活动有好有坏,每一个行动都有其代价和乐趣,认识到两面,你变得现实并对你的行动负责。只有这样,你才能做出勇士的自由选择——做或不做。- P133
I knelt outside my apartment and touched the earth, taking a handful of dirt in my hand, I gazed up through emerald leaves shimmering in the breeze, For a few precious seconds, I seemed to slowly melt into the earth, Then for the first time since I was a tiny child, I felt a life-giving presence without a name – P136 我跪在公寓外面,触摸着大地,手中握着一把泥土,我透过微风中闪烁的翠绿色叶子凝视着,几秒钟珍贵的时间,我似乎慢慢地融入了大地,然后自从我还是一个小孩以来第一次,我感到了一个没有名字的生命赋予的存在 – P136
Death is not sad, the sad thing is that most people don’t ever really live at all.I’d seen the futility of trying to live up to the conditioned expectations of others or of my own mind, I would, like the warrior, choose when, where, and how I would think and act. – P138
死亡并不悲伤,悲伤的是大多数人根本没有真正活过。我看到了试图达到他人或自己心灵的条件化期望的徒劳,我会像勇士一样选择何时、何地以及如何思考和行动。- P138
Chapter 5: The Mountain Path | 山路

There are no ordinary moments – P143 没有平凡的时刻 – P143
The warrior’s life, is not a sitting practice, it is a moving experience. – P145 勇士的生活,不是坐着的练习,而是一种移动的体验。- P145
Running wasn’t a test of your body, but of your spirit – a test to see if you would go on – not just with the hill, but with your training. – P149 跑步不是对你身体的考验,而是对你精神的考验——考验你是否会继续——不仅仅是与小山一起,还有你的训练。- P149
Satori is the warrior’s state of being; it occurs at the moment when the mind is free of thought, pure awareness; the body is active, sensitive, relaxed; and the emotions are open and free. the final step for the warrior is to expand his clarity into daily life. Then satori will become your reality, your key to the gate; only then we will be equals. – P151 悟性是勇士的存在状态;它发生在心灵没有思想、纯粹意识的时刻;身体是活跃的、敏感的、放松的;情感是开放和自由的。 勇士的最后一步是将他的清晰度扩展到日常生活中。然后悟性将成为你的现实,你通往大门的钥匙;只有那时我们才会平等。- P151
Chapter 6: Pleasure Beyond the Mind | 超越心灵的快乐

The birth of the mind is the death of the senses, you must be like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You’ve become bored with things because they only exist as names to you. – P165 心灵的诞生是感官的死亡,你必须像个小孩子一样才能进入天堂。你对事物感到厌烦,因为它们对你来说只存在于名字中。- P165
You’ll have to lose your mind before you can come to your senses. – P166 你将不得不失去你的心智,然后才能恢复你的感官。- P166
Refine your senses a little more each day, stretch them, as you would in the gym. Finally, your awareness will pierce deeply into your body and into the world, then you’ll think about life less and feel it more, then you’ll enjoy even the simplest things in life. – P167 每天进一步提炼你的感官,伸展它们,就像你在健身房里做的那样。最终,你的意识将深深穿透你的身体和世界,然后你会更少地思考生活,更多地感受它,然后你甚至会享受生活中最简单的事物。- P167
Happiness = Satisfaction / Desires You can cultivate a simple lifestyle of few desires; that way you always have more than enough money. – P167 幸福 = 满足 / 欲望 你可以培养一种简单的生活方式,欲望很少;这样你总是有足够的钱。- P167
Stay in the present, you can do nothing to change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you plan or hope for. there have never been past warriors, nor will there be future ones, either. the warrior is here, now. Your sorrow, your fear and anger, regret and guilt, your envy and plans and cravings live only in the past, or in the future. the mind is like a phantom, never exists in the present, its only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present. – P170 留在当下,你无法改变过去,未来也不会完全按照你的计划或希望到来。过去从未有过勇士,将来也不会有。勇士就在这里,现在。你的悲伤、你的恐惧和愤怒、遗憾和内疚、你的嫉妒和计划和渴望只存在于过去或未来。 心灵就像一个幻影,永远不存在在当下,它对你唯一的力量就是将你的注意力从当下引开。- P170
Your business is not to ‘get somewhere’, – it is to be here. 你的事业不是去“某个地方”,而是要在这里。
Chapter 7: The Final Search | 最终的寻找

Some day you too may teach others as I have shown you – then you’ll understand that words are not enough; you too must teach by example, and only what you’ve realized through your own experience – P185 有一天,你也可能像我向你展示的那样教导他人——那时你就会明白,言语是不够的;你也必须通过榜样来教导,并且只有通过你自己的经验—— P185
Lao Tzu fell asleep and dreamt he was a butterfly. Upon awakening, he asked himself, “Am I a man who just been dreaming that he was a butterfly, or a sleeping butterfly, now dreaming that he is a man?” – P191 老子睡着了,梦见自己是一只蝴蝶。醒来时,他问自己,“我是一个刚刚梦见自己是蝴蝶的人,还是一只睡着的蝴蝶,现在梦见自己是一个人?” – P191
First mountains are mountains and rivers are rivers, then mountains are no longer mountains and rivers are no longer rivers. finally, mountains are mountains and rivers are rivers. – P192 起初,山是山,河是河, 然后,山不再是山,河不再是河。 最后,山还是山,河还是河。- P192
Chapter 8: The Gate Opens | 大门敞开
All along I have shown you the way Of the peaceful warrior, not the way To the peaceful warrior. As long as you tread the way, you Are a warrior.——P197 我一直向你展示了和平勇士的道路,而不是通往和平勇士的道路。只要你走在这条道路上,你就是勇士。——P197
There once was a people who lived their entire lives within a Cave of Illusions. after generations, they came to believe that their own shadows, cast upon the walls, were the substance of reality. Throughout history, there have been blessed exceptions to the prisoners of the Cave. There were those who became tired of the shadow play, who began to doubt it, who were no longer fulfilled by shadows no matter how high they leaped. they became seekers of light. A fortunate few found a guide who prepared them and who took them beyond all illusion into the sunlight. All the peoples of the world, Dan are trapped within the Cave of their own minds. Only those few warriors who see the light, who cut free, surrendering everything, can laugh into eternity. – P199 曾经有一群人,他们一生都生活在幻觉的洞穴里。几代人之后,他们开始相信,自己投射在墙上的影子,是现实的实质。 历史上,洞穴的囚徒中有一些幸运的例外。有些人厌倦了影子游戏,开始怀疑它,无论他们跳得多高,都不再满足于影子。他们成为了寻找光明的人。少数幸运者找到了一个向导,这个向导准备了他们,并带领他们超越了所有的幻觉,进入阳光。 世界上所有的人,丹,都被困在自己心灵的洞穴里。只有那些少数看到光明、剪断束缚、放弃一切的勇士,才能笑对永恒。- P199
I didn’t speak much, but I laughed often, Every time I looked around – at the earth, the sky, the sun, the trees, the lakes, the streams- I remembered that it was all Me! All these years Dan Millman had grown up, struggling to “be a somebody.” He had been a somebody, locked into a fearful mind and mortal body. Now I know that I am not only the single piece of flash-and that secret makes all the difference! – P202 我不太说话,但我经常笑,每次我环顾四周——看着大地、天空、太阳、树木、湖泊、溪流——我记得这一切都是我! 这些年来,丹·米尔曼长大了,努力成为一个“有成就的人”。他曾经是一个有成就的人,被锁在一个充满恐惧的心灵和凡人的身体里。 现在我知道,我不仅仅是一个闪光的个体——那个秘密让一切都变得不同!- P202
I walked down through campus. School had just begun and students were busy being students. the shopkeepers playing perfect shopkeepers. Everywhere I visited – the fabric shops, the markets, the movie theaters and massage parlors – everyone was perfectly being what they believed they were. -P203 我走在校园里。学校刚刚开始,学生们忙于做学生。店主们扮演着完美的店主。我去过的每一个地方——布料店、市场、电影院和按摩院——每个人都完美地扮演着他们认为的自己。 -P203
song:《the show》 by Lanka